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Caring for a loved one with dementia can be done, but it requires education, support, and flexibility. In this quick video, geriatric care expert Steven Atkinson, PA-C, MS, shares his top 10 strategies for empowering caregivers to face dementia-related behavior challenges.


Eliminate geriatric med errors with this FREE Top 10 Most Dangerous Drugs for Geriatric Patients worksheet!


By 2050 51% of adults aged 65 or older in the United States will have Alzheimer's disease if we don't find a cure. As a healthcare provider, this means that you will continue to see an increase in dementia cases in your practice. These patients are challenging and each case requires care tailored to your patients unique needs. Are you prepared to help them?


Steven Atkinson, PA-C, MS, is a board-certified Physician Assistant specializing in geriatric internal medicine. He practices medicine in the greater Minneapolis area. In addition to his private practice, he has been on the faculty at the University of Utah since 1994 and has been involved in medicine for over 30 years.

Steven is the co-founder of Twin Cities Physicians, which serves older adults in nearly all levels of their care. He has presented nationally for over 15 years, primarily speaking about geriatric-related syndromes.

Steven is the author of Geriatric Pharmacology: The Principals of Practice & Clinical Recommendations, Second Edition and also sits on several boards whose purpose is to elevate the level of care in medicine for the patients they serve. Steven has been described as a "dynamic" educator and one of the most engaging presenters around.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Steven Atkinson is the founder and co-owner of Twin Cities Physicians and Midwest Geriatrics Services, and he is the owner of Mindful Geriatrics, LLC. He provides legal counseling services to medical professionals and receives compensation. Mr. Atkinson receives a fee for course development from Executive Links. He is adjunct faculty at the University of Utah. Mr. Atkinson receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. He owns stocks/shares in Moderna, Inc and was a previous stock/shares owner in Lilly. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Steven Atkinson is a member of the board for MDMA. He is a member of AMDA/PALTC, GMPA, and others. For a complete list, please contact